Luxuries of Youth: In Which My Heart Breaks for a Small Child and Yet I Envy Her
This morning I rose promptly at 7 instead of asking Alexa to perform all of her tricks -- news, Jeopardy!, jokes -- as I usually do to delay facing the day. I showered last night to speed my morning routine in the name of arriving at my infusion center at 8am, thus minimizing the amount of time I have to make up at the end of the day now that I am out of paid leave. #newjobproblems I'm back to the infusion center I like. It's a part of Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates, which ensures I think of Uncle Wiggily every four weeks. I go in, fill out a form about my abilities/sense of well-being (today I'm a six on the zero to ten/best to worst scale), and then settle in for 90 minutes of screen time and the drip, drip, drip of the drug that's helped my disease steady for the past three and a half years. "Uncle Wiggily wants to be cured of his rheumatism. On the way to Dr. Possum’s office, he has many adventures.” – The Uncle Wiggily Game , © 1967 Parker Broth...