The Urethra Monologues, Part Three: In Which I Look Forward to Twenty Shots to the Bladder
For those of you tuning in late, here are parts one and two . During my first two years self-catherizing, my urologist tweaked my medications multiple times to further reduce the frequency of my urination--and to eliminate my nocturia, which is a fancy way of saying "the need to get up in the middle of the night to pee." Vesicare was rejected because it made me so thirsty I drank enough to offset any positive effects it might have. Oxybutynin was replaced with a higher dosage of Doxazosin, which was eventually revealed to be the cause of my leakiness. So long, Doxazosin! Then Myrbetriq came along and put the rest to shame. Effective with no side effects (for me, at least), it was a godsend. A very expensive godsend ($60/month copay if memory serves) but a godsend nonetheless. Still, I almost never peed the mere six times a day that self-catherization initially promised. It was time to try something new. In the summer of 2015, my neurologist suggested a urogynocologist w...