
Showing posts from August, 2018

Stumbling Towards Ecstasy: In Which I Say Orgasm A Lot

I learned about sex under the geodesic monkey bars at A. Brian Merry Elementary School in the first grade. My friend Brandy* stood amid a rapt group of girls, telling us what she's read in a book she found in her parents' bedroom. I was shocked. Surely no one would ever do that. Surely my parents would never do that. Ew ew ew. I got over it relatively quickly. In middle school an article in Glamour led me to my first, accidental orgasm, and, once I got over the initial shock (because, really, who is prepared for that first one?), I was a fan. No need to go into details here--I sorted out what worked for me and happily took things from there. As I got older, articles about women that were unable to achieve orgasm would cross my path occasionally and I'd wonder who these poor people were, thinking fondly of my bedtime triple from the previous night. Even the fumblings of inexperienced boys could usually get me where I wanted to be. In college I joked that if you looked at...