
Showing posts from April, 2018

The Urethra Monologues, Part Two: In Which I Am Thrust Into the World of Self-Catheterization

Six months after braving Urodynamics, I was still on Doxazosin and pursuing a new approach: physical therapy. I first met with a wonderful woman outside of DC whose office was welcoming and yoga studio-like. I desperately wanted her to take care of me but knew that a 90 minute commute each way via Metro (ah, the good old days when I still traveled independently!) was too much. She referred me to a rehab practice in DC where I worked with a woman who definitely knew her stuff but was significantly less nurturing. Under her tutelage I did Kegel after Kegel  to strengthen my pelvic floor. I was sent home with a rented device to put inside me  while I did my exercises. It was a hard and unpleasant couple of months, but I did come out of if with better bladder control. For a while. I continued to see the wonderful Dr. Phillips and returned for my second urodynamics study (some girls have all the luck!) the summer of 2012, two years after my first one. There were some unexpected...