Leaky Guts and the Power of Prayer: In Which No One Is a Real Doctor, But They Play One in My Life
As I discussed in my World MS Day Video , I'm a big fan of throwing things at the wall until something sticks when it comes to improving my physical condition. If a treatment is safe, reasonably priced, and promises not to be too painful, chances are I'll give it a try. I love it when friends send me articles about new MS-related drugs or procedures. I cannot be bothered to keep up with every MS-related development. I have recipes to make and tv shows to watch, dammit! Information is good, and it's nice to be thought of. A friend got me to try acupuncture, which wasn't my jam but was definitely worth pursuing. A friend, who also has an auto-immune disease, recommended cryotherapy after trying it herself. It sounds a little bonkers, but I may give it a shot (especially since I have a coupon). Advice from friends is easy to take because I know it comes from a loving place. And because my friends are not preachy know-it-alls. Yesterday at work, I told a colleague tha...